Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

PDS4NRJ (Aug. 2013 - Aug. 2014)
  • Instrument: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development

  • Duration: 2013 Aug. - 2014 Aug.

  • Inria contact: Philippe Bonnet

  • This project, called PDS4NRJ, is based on the insights that (a) secure personal data management can be radically improved with the advent of secure hardware embedded on personal devices at the edges of the Internet, and (b) that a secure personal data management infrastructure should be applied in the context of smart buildings. Our overall objective is to define a new form of decentralized infrastructure for sharing smart meter data with access and usage control guarantees. The PDS4NRJ project is a unique opportunity for Philippe Bonnet, currently associate professor at ITU (Denmark), to become a leading expert in the field of secure personal data management thanks to a tight cooperation with SMIS members.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: Danish Council for Independent Research (FTP call)

  • Project acronym: CLyDE

  • Project title: Cross-LaYer optimized Database Engine

  • Duration: 10/2011 - 10/2014

  • Partners: IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark), SMIS

  • Abstract: The goal is to explore how flash devices, operating system and database system can be designed together to improve overall performance. Such a co-design is particularly important for the next generation database appliances, or cloud-based relational database systems for which well suited flash components must be specified. More generally, our goal is to influence the evolution of flash devices and commodity database systems for the benefit of data intensive applications. The project should result in two complementary open-source software systems: (i) a bimodal flash device software component based on the idea from [30] , and (ii) a database system optimized for bimodal flash devices. The project funding is managed by the IT University of Copenhagen and covers the expenses for two co-supervised PhD students (including regular visits to and from Denmark).

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

The SMIS members have developed tight European cooperations with the following persons/teams:

  • Philippe Bonnet (Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • Collaboration on Flash-based data management for high-end servers with Philippe Bonnet from IT University of Copenhagen and Björn Þór Jónsson from Reykjavík University (see Section 8.2.2 ). The study of flash devices started during a short sabbatical of Luc Bouganim (from April to August 2008) in Copenhagen.

  • Michalis Vazirgiannis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

  • Collaboration on Minimal Exposure in the context of Michalis’ Digiteo Chair at LIX (Ecole Polytechnique).